Pac Man is one of the most famous and popular video games that ever invented. Not just the game changed the whole standard, but also it’s a simple design, and interesting gameplay attracted the whole population. Pac Man is surely an interesting game. However, its history is far better interesting that people should know.
Pac Man was originally named as Puck-Man
Pac Man is not the real name of your favorite video game, it’s actually named as Puck Man. However, The ‘Puck’ sounds too similar to the American ‘ F’ word. The developers were tensed about it, and that’s why they changed the name.
The main aim was to attract the female players
At that time, the market was completely dedicated toward the male gaming players. However, with the Pacman, the developers wanted to attract female players to the gaming world. Also, they thought that the gaming field is too dirty and the same type. There were some games which were based on wars and fights. Pac Man was a clean and cute approach for the females so they can also join the gaming.

Ghost have their own names and behavior
Those three evil ghosts have their own name, and there are too many players who don’t even know that. The ghosts can plan their own way, so they get the upper hands. Well, they are divided into names as Oikake, Kimagure, Machibuse, and Otoboke in Japan. For countries where English is spoken, the ghosts are named as Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde.
Blinky is designed to pursue the Pac man
In the game, the maze is divided which also decided lines to each individual. The red one or Blinky will do the chasing behind the Pac man. This one is designed to always create a beeline and pursue the Pacman no matter where he ‘s location is located on the whole map.
Pinky is for predictive the Pac man moves
The pink ghost or Pinky is designed in order to keep its aim to the Pac man. Not just that most of the time, it will keep the distance between two tiles. Well, the main work of Pinky is to make sure that he trapped the Pacman between his and any other ghost which is mostly Blinky.
Clyde is the unpredictable ghost
Well, one of the most unpredictable ghost among three is Clyde which mostly makes it look as he is doing on its own. However, his act is the same as another ghost Blinky do but only when the distance between him and Pacman is 8 tiles. If the Pacman is far away, then the Clyde can retreat himself to maze’ bottom – left side and keep it circling until the Pacman comes.
Pac man is known as’ most recognized’ character ever
Pac man is highly famous video games, but the Pacman character is ranked as one of the most recognized characters of the video game which is 94%,. Even it left the Mario games as its rating was 93%. Well, Pacman not just creating the buzz all over the world but also the game was a huge hit which surprised everyone as it was the least expected thing.
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